I spent the first 18 years of my life in Rochester, Minnesota. As a child, my free time was spent outside playing with my black lab and/or my two older brothers, writing short stories, taking photos, bowling and learning how to cook with my mom. My favorite classes were English and math; I enjoyed both the creative freedom associatied with the former as well as the logical reasoning required in the latter. I moved to Eau Claire, Wisconsin, to earn my undergraduate degree in multimedia and web design. After studying abroad in Valladolid, Spain (see map ↗), in 2018, my dream of using technology to better connect people was realized. Working as a web developer will allow me to create web applications that further link our diverse world while challenging me creatively and logically. At UW-Eau Claire, I tacked on a certificate in computer programming in order to learn more about computers and back-end development.
Now, I am pursuing a Master's degree in computer science at Boston University to further my knowledge of computers. I believe in the power of education and intend to stay current on technological topics as I continue my job search in a field that is constantly evolving. I currently live in Tower, Minnesota where I work remotely as a part-time teacher for both child and adult coding camps. I plan to move to Boston, Massachusetts if and when this global health crisis is back under control.
Hobbies & Interests
I consider myself very open-minded and am always willing to try new things. This has led to a multitude of hobbies and interests that tend to occupy my free time.
- Bowling
- Cooking/baking
- Solving newspaper puzzles
- Soapmaking (check out cold process soapmaking ↗)
- Photography
- floral/nature
- action
- 4-wheeling/snowmobiling
- Snowboarding
- Spending time with friends and family
- Biking
- Enjoying lake life on Lake Vermilion
- Learning new languages
Fun Facts
Listed below are several facts about me that not everyone knows about me or that tend to surprise people.
- My high game in bowling is a 280; I had all strikes except for a nine-spare in the second frame
- I was the puzzle-maker at the student newspaper at UW-Eau Claire
- I have freckles in my eyes
- I spent every summer at my family's cabin in Tower, MN; I have never spent a summer in my hometown
- I am Italian, Slovenian, English, German and Scottish
- Major dog lover; plan to have one or two within the next five years
- Winter is my favorite season
- I am a firm believer in working hard and playing hard